Spine injuries are a result of automobile accidents, falls from height, sports injury, gun-shots etc. The injury is usually the fracture or dislocation of the vertebrae, that tear into cord tissue or press down on the nerve parts that carry signals causing paralysis of various degrees.
Spinal Cord Injury causes disruption of signals between the brain and body parts below the injury site. It leads to loss of muscle function and sensation, resulting in loss of movement, bladder and bowel incontinence, respiratory problems, pressure sores, muscle atrophy and other physical complications and mental stress.
Approximately 20,000 new spinal cord injuries occur in our country annually with a significant number of patients falling within the productive and active age group.

The abrupt onset of the injury has profound physical and psychological impact on individuals and their families. It affects individual’s mobility, profession, family, financial and social status in a fraction of a second.
There are no medical or surgical cures to reverse the injury, rehabilitation is the primary or only option available. Comprehensive and intensive rehabilitation that integrates the doctor, nurse and therapist can address the complex problems of SCI. Most patients with spinal cord injury can achieve a certain degree of independence with appropriate rehabilitation. Therapy can improve mobility as the patient can slowly learn to perform daily activities.
Apart from the physical improvement, the person can overcome psychological, and social problems that often surround them. Adaptive techniques including wheelchairs, calipers and crutches can improve their mobility. This can imbibe confidence in them and help them overcome challenges of daily living.