An unexpected injury impacts the patient mentally as well. No Physiotherapy will be complete without Psychological support and counselling. Understanding this, GSIRC has a dedicated team of Psychological therapists who strengthen patients’ emotional status and facilitate them to participate in the physical therapies.
Our personalized, comprehensive and family-oriented Psychological approach creates a caring environment of hope, motivation and possibilities. Compassionate counseling sessions and activities have actualized a positive and caring attitude that permeates the centre. Our goal is to provide patients with comprehensive information that they might need to feel comfortable and confident when they are discharged. Even patients who are non-accepting and non-cooperative can slowly be tuned to have a positive mindset. As a part of therapy, recreational activities inside and outside the campus help patients overcome depression.
The salient feature of Psychological therapy at GSIRC is the effective involvement of peer counselors.

A peer counselor is a fully rehabilitated individual who has physically and psychologically “recovered” from his or hers’ spinal cord injury and is living an independent, constructive and successful life. Peer counselors have deep knowledge of how a spinal injury impacts a person. Importantly, patients would be more receptive to counselling from another spinal cord injured patient. This can help patients positively tune into a better life