Physiotherapy is an integral part of rehabilitation for Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) at GSIRC. The objective of physiotherapy is to maximize the functionality, independence and mobility of the patient. A critical issue with spinal cord injury is that serious health issues can arise if proper physiotherapy is not provided. The body below the injury level will atrophy leading to muscle loss and weakness, pressure sores, osteoporosis, abnormal blood pressure, kidney malfunctions, heart problems, and so on. Hence physiotherapy is of utmost necessity for exercising and stimulating muscles, nerves, and other body parts below the level of the injury. This allows SCIs to stay in good physical condition, so that, if a cure for spinal cord injury becomes available in near future, they will not be too weak to benefit from it.
The complexities of spinal cord injury require highly skilled healthcare professionals, with appropriate knowledge on how to rehabilitate patients. Our team of highly talented, experienced, and caring physiotherapists can effectively improve patients’ quality of life through individualized therapy. Depending upon the severity of the injury, patients are given up to 6 hours of physiotherapy & occupational therapy everyday. During therapy sessions at GSIRC, patients are given fitness and strength training, mobility training, adaptive training, and so on.

As part of fitness and strength training, patients are given exercises and weight-lifting routines to strengthen their upper extremities or functional parts of their body. Paraplegic patients (ones with the ability to use their hands) are given such training, while quadriplegic individuals (without the ability to use their hands) are provided therapeutic exercises for neck, trunk, and all extremities.

Under mobility training, patients at GSIRC are given work outs to improve their balance and transfers. This can help turn sideways and lie prone on bed, sit without back support, transfer themselves from a bed to a wheel chair and vice versa, transfer themselves to a floor or car. They are also given extensive training to propel wheelchair in different terrains. Based on their injury level, they are trained to walk with the aid of calipers, walkers, or crutches. This will allow them to traverse varied surfaces and confidently see others eye-to-eye. Furthermore, GSIRC is equipped with Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training (BSWT), which can improve gait performance.
As part of adaptive training, patients are guided on how to manage daily routines of toilet, bathing, dressing, and self-care.
Since spinal cord injury can have a severe impact on bladder and bowel functionality as well as sexual and reproductive facets of life, SCI are counseled and trained to manage them effectively. At GSIRC, we believe in empowering patients to actively participate in their physiotherapy sessions, from planning and scheduling to executing their plan that can result in excellent outcomes.